Easter Seals Shawnigan Lake Camp - Car Event


I would like to extend an invitation to you and your fellow car enthusiasts to attend our car event.

It is on September 14th, 2019 from 4-7 pm.  It is held at the Easter Seals Shawnigan Lake Camp at 2180 Shawnigan Lake road.  We are raising money for the camp.  We are catering the event and have a silent auction.  

Please consider attending and extend the invitation to anyone who would enjoy such an opportunity

It is a casual event with invitations to all makes and models.  We are just looking to have a fun car gathering and raise money for the disabled children and their families.  The camp is currently closed due to lack of funds, we helped them raise over $12,000 the past few years so they were able to open for the weekends in August this year.

We hope to see you and your friends there.

If you have any questions Pleas contact tattney@vcmauto.com

Thank you 
Tattney Tarr 

VCM Auto Service