Duncan Vintage Machinery Swap Meet
Duncan (Cowichan Exhibition)
8:00am - 2:00pm
(250) 746-7292
If you have any info on events on Vancouver Island, or see any corrections required, please email us at admin@vihr.ca .
We ask that if you have any other inquiries, please contact the event organizers directly.
Duncan (Cowichan Exhibition)
8:00am - 2:00pm
(250) 746-7292
Victoria Corvette Club
Any and All Corvettes
Transfer Beach in Ladysmith
Car Entry by Donation
Public Welcome
10:00am to 2:00pm
Qualicum Bay
First Nations Campground
Frank (250) 218 6827
Mopar/AMC Only
Coombs Fairgrounds
1014 Ford Rd, Coombs
9 am - 2 pm
$15 entry
(250) 927-5744
Season Opener
11:00 - 5:00
Light Em Up TV
Mafair Mall
Priority access to pre registered vehicles
Check event page for further info
Mid-Island Swap Meet
by VCCC Nanaimo Chapter
Nanoose Bay, Arbutus Meadows
8am - 2pm
$5 Entry
Family Fun Day & Classic Car Show (Bay Days)
Classic Car Show: 10am
Gates Open @ 9:00
Parksville Curling Club
Staging starts around 4:00 PM
Cruise departs at 7:00 PM SHARP
Pre-Registration ONLY on the web site.
Downtown Qualicum Beach
5:00am Staging starts.
8:00am Parking Starts
2:00pm Trophy & Awards presentation
Corvettes Only
Brian McLean Chev Buick GMC
9am - 2pm
(250) 240-4465
Saratoga Motorsports park
Box Office opens at 9am: $2.00
CV Cruisers Show and Shine
Swap-meet and Flea market
Music, Face Painting, Buskers, and kids’ activities
Petting Zoo
Lots of food snacks and drinks
R-Ace Gardens licensed service area
Door prizes
50/50 draws
Hosted by Chrysler Products Club
Community Living Victoria
3861 Cedar Hill X Rd
9:00 to 2:30
All Makes
Room for about 40 Cars
First Come, First In.
Entry by Donation
Prize Draw
Saanich Fairgrounds
1528 Stellys Cross Road
Gates open at 7:00 a.m.
$5.00 per person
(250) 514-4468
Saltspring Cruisers Canada Day Show & Shine
Showtime 10AM to 3 PM
Entrants Gates open at 8AM
Rainbow Road and Jackson Ave
Saltspring Island BC
(250) 538-7235
Unfortunately due to complications with the City of Parksville, the show has been cancelled. Organizers are working on an alternate location and possibly a date. As soon as we hear something we will let you know.
11 Year Anniversary Block Party
2620 Rock Bay Ave, Victoria
10am - 4pm
Vintage Bikes
Classic Cars
Heritage Acres, Saanichton
9am - 3pm
Show Cars entry at 7am
Pre 1989
Ralf St Clair - 250.661.9471
Campbell River Airport
Fly In or Cruise In
8am to 3pm
Therisa 250-203-8045
Powel River
At the historic Patricia Theatre
Staging at 10am
Prizes at 1pm
Movie Theme - Salute to Vehicles from the Movies
Please register at reelcars@shaw. ca
(604) 222-8558
Ocean Idlers "Blast From the Past” Show & Shine
Coombs Fairgrounds
1014 Ford Road
Gates open at 8:00
(250) 937-0074
Romeo St. Jacques Memorial- Hot August Nights
Comox (The Park @ Crown Isle)
10:00am - 3:00pm
Over 500 classic American cars
(250) 218-9477
3rd Annual
West Shore Parks & Recreation
1767 Island Highway, Victoria
Ladysmith Show & Shine
Pre-Register Online
Registration 8am north end of 1st Ave.
Show 10:00 - 3:00
(250) 245-2263
Start and end at Island GM
Arrive around 6 pm
Leave 6:30 pm
BBQ and Music after returning.
(250) 748-1314
Cowichan Sportsplex
5847 Chesterfield Ave
Car gates open 8:00AM
(250) 748-1314
Fred Milne Sports Field
Registration opens in March
Arrivals start 7 am
Gates closing at 9 am
Judging start at 9:30 am
Family Ford
10am - 3pm
Mustangs & Classic Fords
$25 Entry Fee
Register: Bob 250-896-6010
or at Family Ford
9:00 to 2:00
Pre 1979
Coombs Rodeo Grounds
2601 Alberni Hwy Coombs
250 248 1393
Campbell River
Discovery Harbour Shopping Centre
8:00 AM 'til 1:00 PM
(250) 203-4227
Downtown Campbell River
8:00 am 'til 2:00 pm
Same entry as previous years
From Alder & 10th Ave
There'll be signs.
(250) 926-9902
Island Vintage Events
Mary Winspear Centre
Sidney BC 2243 Beacon Ave
2 Day Event (Feb 21 - 22)
Multiple vendors and entertainment
Food Trucks
Vintage, Rockabilly, Tiki, Pin up, Automotive, MCM, Atomic Era, Retro, Clothing, Toys, Skateboards, Video Games, Housewares, Makers, Artist, Crafts, Pop Culture, Vinyl, music, food.
Duncan Elks Lodge #69
Kenneth St. Downtown Duncan
$100 Cash Prizes
$10 Registration Fee
Check In starts @ 9:00
Bowser Legion
7035 Island Highway W.
Cars Arrive 9am
Show 11am - 4:30pm
Apparently they changed the date to June 9. This is a picture someone took of the sign in Duncan. That is all the information we have at this time.
Chemainus, BC
Hosted by Victoria Corvette Club
May 17 - 19 2024
Friday Night - Hospitality and Registration
Saturday - Show n Shine
Saturday & Sunday Scenic Poker Rally
Sunday - Double Slalom
Parties all 3 nights
Pre-Registration Required
Fountain Tire Langford
7:00am - 5:30pm
Rolling out @ 9:30am