Thank You to the Redliners
/Dan and I do what we do because of our love of cars. Combining our passion and skills to make this web site is just another way for us to be involved in the Hot Rod culture we love. Knowing that so many have come to use and like this site is a bonus. The support is sometimes overwhelming. From the financial support, to all the positive comments that people make to express how much they like our site. It is all very much appreciated.
This last Sunday we spent the day at the Redliners / Original Joe's Show N Shine. It was a great day, even if the sun was a little on the hot side. Lot's of people love these shows, and the efforts of the people that put in the time to make them happen is greatly appreciated. If they didn't, we would have no where to go on the week ends. So hat's off to Wayne, Jack, Paul and the rest of the Redliners.
At the end of the day, Dan and I were a acknowledged with a couple of plaques to show appreciation for what we do. We can't say thank you enough for this recognition. We loved them. Loving what you do is reward enough, but having some recognition that others love it too is even sweeter. Thanks a bunch to the Redliners, Original Joe's and everyone else who frequents our site!
Dan and Lyndon