Stolen Car, Keep an eye out....

Can everyone I know in the okanagan and Alberta BC HeLP HELP HELP !!!!!!! This car was stolen out of my friends garage a few days ago !! It breaks my heart to know that a good buddy spent 15 yrs building this car to have it stolen by low life's .... it has to be close, but if you are friend of mine on Facebook , please share it anywhere in the world you live as it will make the post show up on more feeds .. SHARE SHARE SHARE !!!!'

Facebook Post

Colleen Pfannenschmidt

OUR BEAUTIFUL 1939 WILLYS HAS BEEN RECOVERED!!!!! We would like to thank everyone on facebok who shared our post when it was stolen. THANKS TO ALL THE CAR CRAZY PEOPLE WHO WERE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR OUR CAR. Also thanks to the media, Castanet, CBC Radio and all the car clubs and associations who put the word out. People from around the world were looking for it. Please repost this to all your friends on facebook in order to thank them.
We are very grateful to our friend JF Launier, if it weren't for him we would never have got it back. Special thanks to our daughter Vanessa for all the work she did while we are in Mexico.
Pete and Colleen Pfannenschmidt, Osoyoos, BC
